The annual book of Gemini Publishing Prague "100 years of Krč Forest Theatre" is mainly a pictorial publication. It charts not only the origin but also the further history of one of the phenomena of Czech outdoor theatre - the Forest Theatre in Krč, which was founded in 1913, as well as the similarly important and somewhat better known theatre in Divoká Šárka. In the book on the centenary of the Krč theatre, you will find, besides rich pictorial material, an outline of the contemporary context and very interesting authentic memories of the then spectator and today's memorialist JUDr. Papírník. The forest theatre in Krč, as a natural stage built by Sokol for five and a half thousand spectators, brought together many famous names, artists from Brno, Plzeň, Švand Theatre, Vinohrady Theatre and the National Theatre performed here, e.g. Jaroslav Kvapil, Karel Hugo Hilar, Emil Burian or Jiří Steimar, and plays by great authors such as William Shakespeare, Vilém Blodek, Bedřch Smetana or Antonín Dvořák were performed here. The book 100 Years of the Krč Forest Theatre will take you back to the times of its greatest glory and colourful social and cultural events.