Czech Theatre Studies Department

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The Czech Theatre Studies Department is a research and documentation centre. It conducts research on the history of theatre in the Czech Republic from the Middle Ages up to the present and in relation to the wider context of European theatre history.

The department was founded in 1956 at the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science. After a reorganisation of the institute in 1993, the department was moved to the Theatre Institute. The department has been a member of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) since 1956 and was one of the initiators behind its creation. It was instrumental in establishing the Theatre Research Society (1997), which brings together individuals with an interest in theatre and theatre research.

The work of our department



Work on the Czech Theatre Encyclopaedia has been the department’s main long-term task since 1997. This team project seeks to map the history of Czech theatre and theatre in other languages on the territory of what is how the Czech Republic, and to process that history using lexicographic methods into thematic ‘dictionaries’ (e.g. of dance, musical theatre, etc.). The findings from this work are published as biographical lexicons produced in both print and electronic format.

This publishing series was founded in 2017 and is a counterpart to the biographical lexicons that are published in book form. The publications in this series include monographs and edited texts (correspondence, diary entries, archival materials) that provide authentic testimony about the life, fate, feelings, dreams, and reality of significant figures in the field of theatre and other artists.

The processing of the life and work of German-language theatre personalities represents an important thematic area of theatre history in the Czech lands. Unlike Czech (Czech-language) theatre, which developed in a closed linguistic and geographical space, German-language theatre covers a large part of Europe, with which the Czech lands were historically connected.

Czech Theatre Review (Divadelní revue), a peer-reviewed journal of theatre research, is a publishing platform for the results of the department’s work. The journal is published three times a year and is indexed in SCOPUS.

The symposium was created in 2020 in cooperation with the ATI Czech Theatre Studies Department and the Regional Museum in Mikulov. The idea of the interdisciplinary summer meeting is to present research interests or peculiarities from current not only theatre studies in a light form.

Next symposium will take place on 25-26 July 2025.

The book edition of Essays, Critiques, Analyses became one of ATI's award-winning editorial achievements immediately after its foundation in 2001. The individual volumes capture thinking about theatre culture through personalities who have made a significant impact on theatre in their time.

The Theatrology Society is an open civic association of theatre scholars, theatre professionals and all those interested in theatre and its research. It was founded on February 1, 1997 in Prague with the aim to function as a network, to participate in the organization of specific theatre events (lectures, conferences, seminars, excursions) and to help solve problems related to scientific and pedagogical activities.

When working on the long-term project Czech Theatre Encyclopedia we come across a lot of interesting sources, materials, texts that cannot be properly extracted in the economical lexicographic style of entries. We have conceived the Studies and Documents section as a "reservoir" of various works that have been produced as by-products of the Czech Theatre Encyclopedia. They can take a variety of forms, from monographs, to working texts, source editions, inventories, bibliographies, archives, etc.

Content of the section

This research project is conducted in collaboration with the theatre departments of the National Museum and the Moravian Museum. The aim is to develop a set of methods and specific tools for preserving, making use of, and facilitating access to the content of historical theatre posters, which are one of the richest available sources of information on theatre history.


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Archive of the Department of Czech Theatre Studies

Throughout the department’s existence it has been developing an archive of historical sources....

Throughout the department’s existence it has been developing an archive of historical sources. These are materials that have collected in the course of our research to prepare the volumes of The History of Czech Theatre (1968–1983), and that we continue to gather for the entries that we prepare for inclusion in the Czech Theatre Encyclopaedia.

In the spring of 2011 we began conducting an inventory of these materials in order to identify and document them and to make them accessible to others.

In 2013 we processed the personal research archive of PhDr. Milena Cesnaková, CSc. (*1924 in Prague), a theatre arts researcher who built her research career mainly in Slovakia and whose research interests were largely centred on early theatre and on the Renaissance and Baroque periods in particular. The inventory of her collection lists 615 items, along with the Personal Bibliography of dr. Milena Cesnaková Michalcová – (download the PDF).

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Adolf Scherl's Library

In the autumn of 2017, the family of the late Adolf Scherl (18 August 1925 - 3 April 2017) offered...

In the autumn of 2017, the family of the late Adolf Scherl (18 August 1925 - 3 April 2017) offered his extensive library to the Theatre Institute, specifically to the Czech Theatre Studies Department.

The library dominated the basement room of an apartment house in Prague's Vinohrady district, which also served as Dr. Scherl's study. The lack of storage space for books was solved by an original mobile shelf, probably of his own manufacture, which slid along a rail in the floor to reveal additional shelves full of books hidden behind it. The atmosphere of the study room inspired Alena Jakubcová, at that time the head of the Czech Theatre Studies Department, to think that the library as a whole could become a handy library for the staff of the department in the newly created premises in Nekázanka (another ATI workplace Nekázanka 887/16 and 18, Prague 1). The plan was successful and the books were moved in 2020. The department staff sorted them according to their content into thematic groups and placed them in prepared shelves.

The content was also professionally processed and integrated into the electronic catalogue of the Library of the Theatre Institute. The books can thus be easily searched on the Internet via the Virtual Study  - Library.

Between 2021 and 2022, 3,968 books, leaflets, maps, separates and other printed materials were produced. Of these, 514 items were added to the TI library's collection. 

The donated acquisition includes not only books, but a variety of materials. There are leaflets, maps, sheet music, booklets, souvenir sheets, handwritten notes and lists in school notebooks and notepads. Separates from magazines are also represented in large numbers. The oldest books in the collection date from the second half of the 18th century, while the newest books date from the 1920s.

Dr. Scherl used a simple stamp with his name or signed his books. The dedications reflect the warm professional and friendly relationship between colleagues. The fact that the owner actually read most of the books is evidenced by his handwritten notes, always written in ordinary pencil. Tickets, invitations and other promotional material from a particular event can also be found in information brochures, theatre programmes, catalogues and guides.

The diversity of the literature represented illustrates the Renaissance personality of the library owner and the family history connected with the famous Old Prague house U Halánků. Dr. Scherl's mother was the granddaughter of Ferdinand Náprstek, who came from a brewing family and was the older brother of Vojta Náprstek. The family and professional life of great-grandfather Náprstek is described in the publication by Milena Secká Ferdinand Pravoslav Náprstek. Labužník života (Prague: National Museum 2022). The oldest books in the described library come from the collections of the Náprstek family, as evidenced by the signatures in the individual volumes.

In their new location, the books were divided into the following thematic groups:

  • Theatre literature (apart from Czech, mainly Russian, German and Austrian)
  • Theatre plays (altogether Czech)
  • Philosophy, psychology (Marxist, utopian, metaphysics - combination of technology and philosophy)
  • History (all about the revolutionary year 1848)
  • Slavonic studies (conference papers in many countries)
  • Literary studies, aesthetic
  • Music studies (theory, practical booklets – lute, flute, including sheet music)
  • Fine Arts (catalogue of exhibitions Mánes, Topič House, World War II, notes on paintings)
  • Film (not well represented in comparison with other disciplines)
  • Textbooks
  • Educational dictionaries and encyclopaedias
  • Language dictionaries
  • Pragensia
  • Guides to castles, chateaus, libraries
  • Maps, touristic guides

In addition to this, the Czech Theatre Studies Department also received from Dr. Scherl's family materials of a non-book nature (more than two large boxes full of notes, commentary clippings, separates and other documents) and a personal archive including a number of family photographs. This material is awaiting scholarly processing.

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Research Projects

Spaßmacher: Layman and/or professional? Theatre in the environment of the Czech nobility in the second half of the 17th century.


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2022 - 2024

Historical theatre signboards in institutions in the Czech Republic


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2019 - 2020

The Allamoda Deception - the Prague Theatre Event of 1660 and its European Context


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2019 - 2021

The Road to The Theatre.


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2016 - 2020

Theatre director Alfréd Radok


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2016 - 2018

Theatre activities of Václav Mihule in his European locations (1781-1807)


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2009 - 2011

Theater in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. From the beginnings to the end of the 18th century. An encyclopedia


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2008 - 2013

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia - Biographical Dictionary: drama theatre realized in the Czech language (1862-1918)


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2007 - 2011

To the bitter end... The last fifty years of Prague German theatre 1885-1945


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2007 - 2009

The Artistic Theatre of Otomar Krejča in the Czech Theatre Culture of the 20th Century


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2005 - 2007

Activities of German theatre companies in the Czech provinces in the 19th century I.


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2004 - 2006

Activities of German theatre companies in the Czech provinces in the 19th century I.


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2004 - 2005

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia III./3a - Biographical Dictionary - 19th century drama theatre, realized in Czech (1785-1862)


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2001 - 2005

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia - Musical Theatre 1890-1945. Biographical and bibliographical layout of the volume


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2000 - 2003

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia III/2, Biographical Dictionary - Musical Theatre of the 19th Century


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


2000 - 2003

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia - Biographical Dictionary I. (Older Czech Theatre)


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


1998 - 2001

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia I., Theatre


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


1997 - 1999

Czech Theatre Encyclopedia II., dance, ballet, pantomime


Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department


1997 - 2000


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Mgr. Petra Ježková, Ph.D.

+420 224 809 133, 177
+420 774 053 110

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Mgr. Martin Hanoušek

+420 224 809 113, 117 
+420 728 894 899

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PhDr. Alena Jakubcová, Ph.D.

+420 224 809 113, 117
+420 732 571 743

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Klára Kadlecová,

+420 224 809 133, 177
+420 739 229 012

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Mgr. et Mgr. Klára Škrobánková

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Mgr. Věra Velemanová

+420 224 809 113, 117

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Berenika Zemanová Urbanová

+420 224 809 113, 117
+420 777 097 168

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PhDr. Jitka Ludvová, CSc.

+420 224 809 177

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Mgr. Miroslav Lukáš, Ph.D.

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Bc. Otto Drexler

+420 224 809 133/177
+420 777 173 377

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Mgr. Petra Honsová, Ph.D.

+420 721 547 989

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Mgr. Ľubica Krénová, Ph.D.

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Mgr. Tomáš Kubart, Ph.D.

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Mgr. Petra Janák Zachatá, Ph.D.

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Mgr. Markéta Trávníčková

+420 605 814 841

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