Anthology presents Polish reflection on theatre, especially in the last two or three decades, which is characteristic even in international comparison for its indisputable specificity, professional competence and topicality. It reflects both the vitality and originality of the local theatre, as well as the broad professional of Polish theatre studies and its openness to suggestions and inspirations contemporary theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity. The selection of twenty-six texts by twenty authors seek to bring symptomatic theoretical approaches to to theatre as a distinct art, but also to its broader socio-cultural and cultural anthropological contexts. In addition to methodological theatre theory, historiography, criticism, dramaturgy and approaches to acting, the anthology offers a selection of works inspired by phenomenology, semiotics, cognitivism, and gender studies, theatre anthropology and performance studies. In many respects, it can thus be a useful and provocative, but also complementary contribution to a similar search for new paths in our contemporary domestic theatre studies.