Study Visits to Strengthen Partnerships and Exchange Knowledge

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The bilateral project of IDU and Arts and Culture Norway, supported by the EEA and Norway Grants, aims to exchange experience and knowledge on the principles of supporting arts and culture within the agendas of both institutions. 

The unstable situation in Europe requires greater cooperation to ensure understanding and build bridges between European countries. Arts and culture are important drivers of democracy and economic growth, democratic values, freedom of expression, and mutual understanding. IDU and Arts and Culture Norway are key institutions supporting and promoting arts and culture in their respective countries. They provide financial support to local arts communities and various cultural institutions, giving the institutions significant influence over how these communities create and shape their activities. Both institutions are accountable for their work and are aware that the structure of their programs, approval processes, internal selection and management of expert panels, etc. not only reflect but also actively shape the arts and culture in their countries. Strengthening this knowledge enables them to respond proactively to changes and needs in the cultural sector. This bilateral project allowed both institutions to share their strengths, challenges, and experiences.

Two study visits of IDU and ACN representatives to Norway and the Czech Republic took place within the project. During each of the visits, the participants from the partner organization were given a comprehensive presentation of the institution's activities and the broader context of public support for arts and culture (the context of cultural policy in the respective countries, the structure of activities, grant schemes, projects, and programs). At the end of the project, a final seminar was held in Oslo entitled "Common Grounds: Working Together for a Free and Resilient Cultural Sector". This seminar brought together representatives of organizations from seven countries (Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia) that have also implemented bilateral projects with ACN. The program included presentations summarising the different projects (knowledge and experience gained, differences in work, agenda, etc.) and two keynote lectures (Natalie Giorgadzea, Culture Action Europe, and Kristin Danielsen, ACN).

Presentations for the final seminar

Natalie Giorgadzea, Culture Action Europe

Kristin Danielsen, Arts and Culture Norway  

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