Maria Sibińska: Sami National Theatre Beaivváš

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Teatrologická společnost , Kabinet pro studium českého divadla a Katedra divadelních studií Masarykovy univerzity pořádají přednášku Sami National Theatre Beaivváš. Přednášet bude profesorka Maria Sibińska.

Sami National Theatre Beaivváš

The main purpose of the lecture is to show the Beaivváš Sámi Našunálateáhter as a modern cultural institution with an identity-affirming role in today's Sapmi. The history of the theater will be outlined, and both Sami and non-Sami sources of inspiration on which the theater is based on, will be described.

The lecture is a part of a guest seminar at the Department of Theater Studies FF MU.

dr hab. Maria Sibińska, prof.

Maria Sibińska is an associate professor at the Institute of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, University of Gdansk, Poland. Her research interests include Nordic theatre and drama with a particular focus on ethnicity and minority issues, identity ambiguity and oral traditions. She also has published books and articles on Norwegian literature, Nordic theatre history (e.g., on Ludvig Holberg’s theatre tradition) and Sámi culture (especially on Beaivváš Sámi Theatre in Kautokeino/Guovdageaidnu).

Přednáška bude probíhat hybridní formou (prezenčně i online) a bude probíhat v angličtině.

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Datum a čas

9. 11. 2022 17:00


Katedra divadelních studií, FF MU, místnost G01




Kabinet pro studium českého divadla
Czech Theatre Studies Department



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