Další přednáška Teatrologické společnosti proběhne v Brně

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eatrologická společnost , Kabinet pro studium českého divadla a Katedra divadelních studií Masarykovy univerzity si vás dovolují pozvat na přednášku Daniela Echeverriho: Integrating Brechtian Concepts in the Design of a Tangible Narrative: The Design Case of "The Non-myth of the Noble Red”.

Integrating Brechtian Concepts in the Design of a Tangible Narrative: The Design Case of "The Non-myth of the Noble Red”

This presentation will discuss a case of Research through Design where design, art, and computer science meet. It will introduce The Non-Myth of the Noble Red, a practice-based research project that expands upon previous work on tangible interaction. The Non-Myth of the Noble Red is tangible narrative that considers concepts and practices borrowed from the study of performative arts, in particular the work of Bertolt Brech. The true purpose of this presentation is to exemplify alternative approaches to enquiry where a designerly, creative, artistic, and experimental processes to research place the making of design artefacts at the ontological centre of the research.

Daniel Echeverri, PhD

Daniel Echeverri is a Colombian Graphic Designer living in Brno. He holds a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design from Kent State University, US and a Ph.D. in Design from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Curretly, he is part of the Atelier of Graphic Design and Multimedia at the Faculty of Informatics. His research looks at the relationship between agency, transportation, and engagement in the context of interactive narrative experiences and explores possible ways in which tangible objects can support those narratives. He is currently looking at theatre as a conceptual source that put forward the experience’s performative component and discourse and how this can inform the authoring and design of tangible narratives.

Přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 26. října od 17:00 na Katedře divadelních studií Masarykovy univerzity na adrese Gorkého 57/7, 602 00 Brno

Přednášku také bude možné navštívit online přes ZOOM.

link na ZOOM


24. 10. 2022


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