The showcase on the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2018

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The 18th Showcase on the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People will take place from 15th to 25th March 2018 on the stages of a few theatres in Prague.

The showcase will present 14 productions, most them take place in the Celetná Theatre (7), others in the Mlejn Club (4), Minor Theatre (2) and Disk Theatre (1). The showcase is organized by the Arts and Theatre Institute / Czech ASSISTEJ Centre in cooperation with the Association for Creative Drama, PRO ASSITEJ z.s., KD Mlejn, o.p.s., Minor, Disk and Celetná Theatres with the financial support of the Prague municipality. Audiences will have a chance to see productions for toddlers (Moment! – Damúza), family productions (e.g. the productions of Malé divadlo ČB – Karel – táta vlasti), productions for pre-school children as well as basic and high school youth. The program is varied, audiences can see drama productions (e.g. Sněhová královna or Lipany – Minor), puppet productions (Zlatá husa – Buchty a loutky), theatre played by children (Ezopovo zvířectvo – Divadélko U Zvonu, Azher – Soubor HOP HOP), dance productions (Svět z papíru – Mirka Eliášová et al.) as well as theatre inspired by contemporary circus (Voják a tanečnice - BodyVoiceBand).

The program also includes screening of the documentary by director Petra Tejnorová and choreographer Tereza Ondrová “Haló? Je tam někdo?”, which will take place on Monday afternoon (19th March 2018 at 5 p.m. in the Small Hall, ATI).

The audiences will also have a chance to participate in the lecturer’s introduction and workshop related to the topic of memories and forgetting from the Disk Theatre performance (Barunka is Leaving).

The Czech-Slovak cooperation is supported by the working session in the Small Hall of the Theatre Institute with the participants from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who are engaged in theatre for children and young people. The topic of the session was current affairs and possible cooperation in this field, which should help children and young people overcome the language and cultural bareer, which has emerged in the past years.

The main guest of the exhibition is New Theatre Nitra. In 2016, the theatre was founded by theatremakers, who decided to leave the old Karol Spišák Theatre in Nitra and focus on their own independent production. It will stage the production of Anna Franková on Monday, 19th March 2018 in the morning and evening (at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.) in the Celetná Theatre. The adaptation for stage was done by the young director, the graduate of DAMU in Prague, Šimon Spišák. The focus is the famous tragic story o a thirteen-year-old Anna Frank, who was hiding with her family in Amsterdam during WWII.

She recorded events from 12th June 1942 to 1st August 1944 in her diary. The entries end only several days before the hiding place of the family was revealed. Anna died in the concentration camp, but her entries survived and were published after the was. The production is very successful because “it is not sentimental, but accurate in searching for body heat in the time of general hatred and groundless xenophobia,” said Miroslav Ballay in his review on

Lucia Korená, who plays Anne Frank, received the DOSKY 2017 awards (the theatre awards in Slovakia) for the best female performance. The production was also nominated in the categories of the best production and best director.

The guest performance of the Slovak company with the acknowledged production and meeting of professionals from the Czech Republic and Slovakia are the contribution of the Czech ASSISTEJ Centre and the ATI to the celebrations of 100 years from the foundation of independent Czechoslovakia.

More information about the productions and the program can be found on the ASSISTEJ website HERE


28. 2. 2018


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