How to work with the collection
STEP 1: Choose a Web browser
To avoid potential problems with printing or other tools we recommend working with the database in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. If you use Internet Explorer we recommend working with it in the text only mode, which is available here.
STEP 2: Search options
Simple Search (on the ‘Home’ tab)
Most users will only need to perform a basic ‘Google-style’ search in which they write their search terms (name of a person or institution, keyword, etc.) in just one field. This search method is simple, but the results of the search may be less relevant.
Advanced Search (on the ‘Search’ tab)
This is a popular search method in which it is possible to combine (intersect) the most frequently used criteria. We recommend not specifying the preferred collection (the ‘reviews’ collection contains only longer reviews of publications and not reviews of productions).
Expert Search (on the ‘Search’ tab)
With this option users can combine search criteria to further refine their question. In the case of complicated questions we recommend consulting with the staff of the Bibliography Department.
An auxiliary tool that allows users to scroll through alphabetical lists in the individual categories. We recommend, for example, finding the correct form of an institution’s name (it is possible to find variations on a name, e.g. Spící krasavice = Šípková Růženka), people (it is possible to find links to pseudonyms, changed names, etc., e.g.: Brychta, Petr = Brychtová, Lucie), keywords, or combinations of numerical codes and verbal descriptions in the category divadelní třídění [Theatre categories]. These indexes are especially useful for finding the exact form of a name used in the database (e.g.: Národní divadlo Brno, not Národní divadlo v Brně) or the names of people who differ only by date of birth (e.g. Pokorný, Jiří, 1932-2016; Pokorný, Jiří, 1944-; Pokorný, Jiří, 1967-; Pokorný, Jiří, 1971-; Pokorný, Jiří, 1981-).
STEP 3: Refining the search further
Searches for bibliographic entries on articles can be filtered further according to the options in the right-hand menu.
STEP 4: Working with the searched for entries
Bibliographic entries of articles turned up in a search can be stored on a clipboard and then saved or printed. If there are problems with the display or printing it is recommended that users try a different Web browser.
Precise bibliographic details and a brief summary can be displayed by clicking on a bibliographic entry. Clicking on the ‘Detail’ tab reveals all the information accompanying the article’s entry in the database. Please note that an entry may contain two links to a full text: if the link leads to the archive, the full text can only be accessed in the readings rooms of the ATI; if the link leads directly to the source site, the full text should be accessible from any computer.
The most common examples of an exact search
Articles on a person (e.g. Václav Havel)
In the ‘Rejstříky [Indexes]’ module select ‘Divadelní třídění [Theatre categories]’ and in the search pole write: 23 Havel Václav.
Articles written by a specific author (e.g. journalist Jaroslav Plesl)
Check the exact form of the name in the ‘Rejstříky [Indexes]’ module, which in this case is: Plesl, Jaroslav, 1973-. Using this exact phrase prevents the search from returning results for the actor with the same name (Plesl, Jaroslav, 1974-).
In the ‘Expert Search’ module select the ‘100 Hlavní autor [Main author]’ option in the left field, use the specification ‘začíná na [begins with]’, and in the right field write: Plesl, Jaroslav, 1973-. Add a second line and for the connection between the first and second line select ‘Or’. On the second line select the option ‘700 Další autoři[Other authors]’ in the field on the left, use the specification ‘začíná na [begins with]’, and in the right field write in: Plesl, Jaroslav, 1973-.
Articles on a specific production (e.g. Hamlet, which premiered at Švandovo Theatre in Smíchov in the 2013/14 season)
To search for articles that are primarily about the production, the simplest approach is just to use the Productions database in the Virtual Study. After searching for a production and clicking on it, the link to the bibliography can be found in the section ‘související dokumenty [related materials]’ in the lower part.
To search additionally for articles in which the production is discussed secondarily, go to the ‘Rejstříky [Indexes]’ module, select ‘Divadelní třídění[Theatre categories]’, and in the search field enter: 27 Hamlet. After conducting the search, scroll through to the production you are looking for: 27 Hamlet – Shakespeare W. – Švandovo Theatre at Smíchov in Prague 2013/14.
A combination of criteria in the ‘Rozšířené vyhledávání [Advanced Search]’ module (e.g. articles on Jan Nebeský’s production of Hamlet published in Svět a divadlo)
In the ‘Autoři, inscenátoři [Authors, producers, directors]’ field write: Nebeský. In the field ‘Inscenace, hra [Production, play]’ write: Hamlet. In the field ‘Periodikum, sborník [Periodical, collection]’ write: Svět a divadlo.
Two basic types of informational access points are used in the database:
- Divadelní třídění [Theatre categories] – a closed system made up of numerical codes, which are usually accompanied by a more specific verbal descriptor
- Keywords – a continuously updated system of words and phrases
A continuously updated system of words and phrases that respond to developments in theatre and dance. It is possible to use the ‘Rejstříky[Indexes]’ module to get a basic orientation in the keywords that are used. Keywords can be divided into the several most frequently used types in the database:
Terms indicating a period of time or a style (e.g. 2015, 2015/16 season, summer season, premieres 2015/16, baroque opera)
Geographical terms (e.g. German drama, African theatre)
Artistic forms and genres (e.g. opera, ballet, dance, musicals, puppet theatre, site specific, new circus, cabaret, music, theatre of the absurd)
A term coupled with a different art form or topic (e.g. theatre and film, theatre and internet)
Topics, issues, phenomena etc. (e.g. festivals, theatre buildings, criticism, copyright, theatre financing, schools, floods, transformation, feminism, Holocaust, criminality, changing knowledge)