Creative Czechia

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A web portal and platform devoted to the cultural and creative industries.

Creative Czechia is a web portal ( that provides information on the cultural and creative industries in order to help build awareness of their importance for society and the economy. We also coordinate a platform for organisations and individuals who are engaged in projects designed to support the cultural and creative industries.

The website publishes interesting articles, interviews, and links to important studies, publications, and events. It also contains the most important outcomes from the project ‘Mapping the Cultural and Creative Industries in the Czech Republic’. We also organise meetings and events where participants can share experiences and search for best practices for supporting the cultural and creative industries. We try to inspire the development of strategic solutions on the local and national level.

Two meetings of the Creative Czechia platform were organised in 2017:

  • 29 June in Brno at the Partnership Foundation (Nadace partnerství)
  • 31 October in Prague at the Prague Creative Centre (Pražské kreativní centrum)

Introductory information on the project is available in a booklet on Creative Czechia (Creative Czechia booklet) that was published by the Arts Institute when the project ‘Mapping the Creative and Cultural Industries in the Czech Republic’ was completed in 2016.

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